Orchestrate business transactions
Durable, long-running executions
Fault-tolerant and automatic recovery of state
Scheduled reminders and external events
At-least-once guaranteed message delivery
Automatic CloudEvents support
Time-to-live message expiry
Bulk message delivery
Cross-cloud, cross region, cross-compute
Zero trust communication
Service registry & discovery
In-flight message transformation
Multi-tenancy and data isolation
Concurrency control (first write wins, last write wins)
Consistency control (strong/eventual)
Data encryption at rest
Triggers from external systems and APIs
Invoke external systems and APIs
Observable 3rd party interactions
Authenticate calls to/from external systems
Author workflows in code to automate complex business processes that are stateful, durable, and long-running.
Automatic handling of failures and errors
Support for task chaining, fan-out/fan-in, monitor and external system interaction
Workflow state can be stored in your database
public class MoneyTransferWorkflow : Workflow<MoneyTransferParams, bool>
public override async Task<bool> RunAsync(WorkflowContext context, MoneyTransferParams input)
// withdraw money from account
await context.CallActivityAsync(nameof(WithdrawActivity), new WithdrawParams(input.fromAccount, input.amount));
// deposit money in target account
await context.CallActivityAsync(nameof(DepositActivity), new DepositParams(input.toAccount, input.amount));
catch (System.Exception)
// in case of error deposit back the money in the original account
await context.CallActivityAsync(nameof(DepositActivity), new DepositParams(input.fromAccount, input.amount));
return true;
def money_transfer_workflow(ctx: DaprWorkflowContext, input: MoneyTransferParams):
# withdraw money from account
yield ctx.call_activity(withdraw, input=WithdrawParams(input.fromAccount, input.amount))
# deposit money in target account
yield ctx.call_activity(deposit, input=DepositParams(input.toAccount, input.amount))
except Exception as e:
# in case of error deposit back the money in the original account
yield ctx.call_activity(deposit, input=DepositParams(input.fromAccount, input.amount))
const moneyTransferWorkflow = async function*(ctx, input) {
// withdraw money from account
yield ctx.callActivity(withdrawActivity, { account: input.fromAccount, amount: input.amount });
try {
// deposit money in target account
yield ctx.callActivity(depositActivity, { account: input.toAccount, amount: input.amount });
} catch (error) {
// in case of error deposit back the money in the original account
yield ctx.callActivity(depositActivity, { account: input.fromAccount, amount: input.amount });
public class MoneyTransferWorkflow extends Workflow {
public WorkflowStub create() {
return ctx -> {
MoneyTransferParams input = ctx.getInput(MoneyTransferParams.class);
// withdraw money from account
ctx.callActivity(WithdrawActivity.class.getName(), new WithdrawParams(input.fromAccount, input.amount)).await();
try {
// deposit money in target account
ctx.callActivity(DepositActivity.class.getName(), new DepositParams(input.toAccount, input.amount)).await();
} catch (Exception e) {
// in case of error deposit back the money in the original account
ctx.callActivity(DepositActivity.class.getName(), new DepositParams(input.fromAccount, input.amount)).await();
func MoneyTransferWorkflow(ctx *workflow.WorkflowContext) (any, error) {
var input MoneyTransferParams
if err := ctx.GetInput(&input); err != nil {
return nil, err
// withdraw money from account
if err := ctx.CallActivity(Withdraw, workflow.ActivityInput(WithdrawParams{
Account: input.FromAccount,
Amount: input.Amount,
})).Await(nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
// deposit money in target account
if err := ctx.CallActivity(Deposit, workflow.ActivityInput(DepositParams{
Account: input.ToAccount,
Amount: input.Amount,
})).Await(nil); err != nil {
// in case of error deposit back the money in the original account
return nil, ctx.CallActivity(Deposit, workflow.ActivityInput(DepositParams{
Account: input.FromAccount,
Amount: input.Amount,
return nil, nil
Create event-driven apps that scale to millions of events/sec. Integrates with dozens of message brokers.
Configurable push/pull eventing
At-least-once guaranteed message delivery
Automatic CloudEvents support
Bulk message delivery
using Dapr.Client;
var client = new DaprClientBuilder().Build();
// Publish message
await client.PublishEventAsync(“my-pubsub”, "my-topic", “my-message”);
from dapr.clients import DaprClient;
with DaprClient() as d:
result = d.publish_event(
pubsub_name = "my-pubsub",
topic_name = 'orders',
data = `{ "orderId": 1 }`,
data_content_type = 'application/json')
import { DaprClient, CommunicationProtocolEnum } from "@dapr/dapr";
(async () => {
const client = new DaprClient({ communicationProtocol: CommunicationProtocolEnum.HTTP });
await client.pubsub.publish("my-pubsub", "orders", {"orderId":"1"});
import io.dapr.client.DaprClient;
import io.dapr.client.DaprClientBuilder;
import io.dapr.client.domain.Metadata;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap;
DaprClient client = new DaprClientBuilder().build()
client.publishEvent("pubsub", "orders", "{\"orderId\":\"1\"}", singletonMap(Metadata.TTL_IN_SECONDS, "600")).block();
package main
import (
dapr "github.com/dapr/go-sdk/client"
func main() {
client, err := dapr.NewClient()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error creating connection to catalyst: %w", err))
defer client.Close()
if err := client.PublishEvent(context.TODO(), "pubsub", "{topic-name}",
[]byte(`{"key":"value"}`)); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error publishing event: %w", err))
Connect apps running on any cloud platform and across any region.
Zero networking configuration
Service discovery
End-to-end mTLS & authorization
using Dapr.Client;
var client = new DaprClientBuilder().Build();
var httpClient = DaprClient.CreateInvokeHttpClient(“my-target-app”);
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("dapr-api-token", “my-api-token”);
var response = await httpClient.PostAsync("/target-method", "{\"data\":\"my-data\"}");
from dapr.clients import DaprClient;
headers = { 'dapr-app-id': ‘my-target-app’, 'content-type': 'application/json'}
result = requests.post(
url = '/orders',
data =‘{
headers = headers)
import axios from "axios";
async function main() {
// Adding app id as part of the header
let axiosConfig = {
headers: {
"dapr-app-id": "order-processor"
const order = { orderId: 1 };
const res = await axios.post(`/orders`, order , axiosConfig);
main().catch(e => console.error(e))
private static final HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.newBuilder()
private static final String DAPR_HTTP_PORT = System.getenv().getOrDefault("DAPR_HTTP_PORT", "3500");
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
String dapr_url = "http://localhost:" + DAPR_HTTP_PORT + "/orders";
int orderId = 1;
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("orderId", orderId);
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.header("dapr-app-id", "order-processor")
HttpResponse<String> response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
System.out.println("Order passed: "+ orderId);
import (
dapr "github.com/dapr/go-sdk/client"
func main() {
client, err := dapr.NewClient()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error creating connection to catalyst: %w", err))
defer client.Close()
order := `{"orderId":` + strconv.Itoa(i) + "}"
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/orders", strings.NewReader(order))
if err != nil {
req.Header.Add("dapr-app-id", "order-processor")
response, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
Create CRUD applications with key/value state. Integrates with dozens of databases.
Data isolation for multi-tenancy
Configurable concurrency (first-write-wins, last-write-wins)
Configurable consistency (strong, eventual)
Caching support with TTL
using Dapr.Client;
var client = new DaprClientBuilder().Build();
await client.SaveStateAsync(“my-database”, “1”, “myvalue”);
from dapr.clients import DaprClient
with DaprClient() as d:
order = {'orderId': "1", "name": "lightsaber (real)"}
client.save_state("my-database", "1", str(order))
import { CommunicationProtocolEnum, DaprClient } from "@dapr/dapr"
const order = { orderId: "1" }
const state = [
key: order.orderId,
value: order,
options: {
consistency: "strong",
concurrency: "first-write-wins"
const client = new DaprClient({ communicationProtocol: CommunicationProtocolEnum.HTTP });
await client.state.save("my-database", state)
import io.dapr.client.DaprClient;
import io.dapr.client.DaprClientBuilder;
DaprClient client = new DaprClientBuilder().build();
Order order = new Order();
client.saveState("my-database", String.valueOf(orderId), order).block();
package main
import (
dapr "github.com/dapr/go-sdk/client"
func main() {
client, err := dapr.NewClient()
if err != nil {
defer client.Close()
if err := err := client.SaveState(context.Background(), "my-database, "order", []byte("value), nil); err != nil {
Interact with external systems via triggers and outgoing calls.
Integrations with dozens of third party services
Authenticate calls to/from external systems
using Dapr.Client;
var client = new DaprClientBuilder().Build();
await client.InvokeBindingAsync(“my-binding”, “create”, “my-data”);
from dapr.clients import DaprClient
with DaprClient() as d:
resp = d.invoke_binding(
operation="create", data="100")
import { DaprClient, CommunicationProtocolEnum } from "@dapr/dapr";
(async () => {
const client = new DaprClient({ communicationProtocol: CommunicationProtocolEnum.HTTP });
await client.binding.send("my-binding", "create", 100);
import io.dapr.client.DaprClient;
import io.dapr.client.DaprClientBuilder;
DaprClient client = new DaprClientBuilder().build()
client.invokeBinding("my-binding", "create", "100").block();
package main
import (
dapr "github.com/dapr/go-sdk/client"
func main() {
client, err := dapr.NewClient()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error creating connection to catalyst: %w", err))
defer client.Close()
err = client.InvokeOutputBinding(context.TODO(),
Name: "my-binding",
Operation: "create",
Data: []byte(`100`),
if err != nil {
Author workflows in code to automate complex business processes that are stateful, durable, and long-running.
Automatic handling of failures and errors
Support for task chaining, fan-out/fan-in, monitor and external system interaction
Workflow state can be stored in your database
public override async Task<OrderResult> RunAsync(WorkflowContext context, OrderPayload order)
string orderId = context.InstanceId;
// Notify the user that an order has come through
await context.CallActivityAsync(
new Notification($"Received order {orderId} for {order.Quantity} {order.Name} at ${order.TotalCost}"));
string requestId = context.InstanceId;
// Determine if there is enough of the item available for purchase by checking the inventory
InventoryResult result = await context.CallActivityAsync<InventoryResult>(
new InventoryRequest(RequestId: orderId, order.Name, order.Quantity));
// If there is insufficient inventory, fail and let the user know
if (!result.Success)
// End the workflow here since we don't have sufficient inventory
await context.CallActivityAsync(
new Notification($"Insufficient inventory for {order.Name}"));
return new OrderResult(Processed: false);
// There is enough inventory available so the user can purchase the item(s). Process their payment
await context.CallActivityAsync(
new PaymentRequest(RequestId: orderId, order.Name, order.Quantity, order.TotalCost));
// There is enough inventory available so the user can purchase the item(s). Process their payment
await context.CallActivityAsync(
new PaymentRequest(RequestId: orderId, order.Name, order.Quantity, order.TotalCost));
catch (TaskFailedException)
// Let them know their payment was processed
await context.CallActivityAsync(
new Notification($"Order {orderId} Failed! You are now getting a refund"));
return new OrderResult(Processed: false);
// Let them know their payment was processed
await context.CallActivityAsync(
new Notification($"Order {orderId} has completed!"));
// End the workflow with a success result
return new OrderResult(Processed: true);
def main(self):
item_name = "lightsaber"
order_quantity = 100
total_cost = int(order_quantity) * baseInventory[item_name].per_item_cost
order = OrderPayload(item_name=item_name, quantity=int(order_quantity), total_cost=total_cost)
print(f'Starting order workflow, purchasing {order_quantity} of {item_name}', flush=True)
start_resp = daprClient.start_workflow(workflow_component=workflow_component,
_id = start_resp.instance_id
def prompt_for_approval(daprClient: DaprClient):
daprClient.raise_workflow_event(instance_id=_id, workflow_component=workflow_component,
event_name="manager_approval", event_data={'approval': True})
approval_seeked = False
start_time = datetime.now()
while True:
time_delta = datetime.now() - start_time
state = daprClient.get_workflow(instance_id=_id, workflow_component=workflow_component)
if not state:
print("Workflow not found!") # not expected
elif state.runtime_status == "Completed" or\
state.runtime_status == "Failed" or\
state.runtime_status == "Terminated":
print(f'Workflow completed! Result: {state.runtime_status}', flush=True)
if time_delta.total_seconds() >= 10:
state = daprClient.get_workflow(instance_id=_id, workflow_component=workflow_component)
if total_cost > 50000 and (
state.runtime_status != "Completed" or
state.runtime_status != "Failed" or
state.runtime_status != "Terminated"
) and not approval_seeked:
approval_seeked = True
threading.Thread(target=prompt_for_approval(daprClient), daemon=True).start()
print("Purchase of item is ", state.runtime_status, flush=True)
def restock_inventory(self, daprClient: DaprClient, baseInventory):
for key, item in baseInventory.items():
print(f'item: {item}')
item_str = f'{{"name": "{item.item_name}", "quantity": {item.quantity},\
"per_item_cost": {item.per_item_cost}}}'
daprClient.save_state(store_name, key, item_str)
export const orderProcessingWorkflow: TWorkflow = async function* (ctx: WorkflowContext, orderPayLoad: OrderPayload): any {
const orderId = ctx.getWorkflowInstanceId();
console.log(`Processing order ${orderId}...`);
const orderNotification: OrderNotification = {
message: `Received order ${orderId} for ${orderPayLoad.quantity} ${orderPayLoad.itemName} at a total cost of ${orderPayLoad.totalCost}`,
yield ctx.callActivity(notifyActivity, orderNotification);
const inventoryRequest = new InventoryRequest(orderId, orderPayLoad.itemName, orderPayLoad.quantity);
const inventoryResult = yield ctx.callActivity(reserveInventoryActivity, inventoryRequest);
if (!inventoryResult.success) {
const orderNotification: OrderNotification = {
message: `Insufficient inventory for order ${orderId}`,
yield ctx.callActivity(notifyActivity, orderNotification);
if (orderPayLoad.totalCost > 5000) {
const approvalResult = yield ctx.callActivity(requestApprovalActivity, orderPayLoad);
if (!approvalResult) {
const orderNotification: OrderNotification = {
message: `Order ${orderId} approval denied`,
yield ctx.callActivity(notifyActivity, orderNotification);
const orderPaymentRequest = new OrderPaymentRequest(orderId, orderPayLoad.itemName, orderPayLoad.totalCost, orderPayLoad.quantity);
const paymentResult = yield ctx.callActivity(processPaymentActivity, orderPaymentRequest);
if (!paymentResult) {
const orderNotification: OrderNotification = {
message: `Payment for order ${orderId} failed`,
yield ctx.callActivity(notifyActivity, orderNotification);
const updatedResult = yield ctx.callActivity(updateInventoryActivity, inventoryRequest);
if (!updatedResult.success) {
const orderNotification: OrderNotification = {
message: `Failed to update inventory for order ${orderId}`,
yield ctx.callActivity(notifyActivity, orderNotification);
const orderCompletedNotification: OrderNotification = {
message: `order ${orderId} processed successfully!`,
yield ctx.callActivity(notifyActivity, orderCompletedNotification);
console.log(`Order ${orderId} processed successfully!`);
public WorkflowStub create() {
return ctx -> {
Logger logger = ctx.getLogger();
String orderId = ctx.getInstanceId();
logger.info("Starting Workflow: " + ctx.getName());
logger.info("Instance ID(order ID): " + orderId);
logger.info("Current Orchestration Time: " + ctx.getCurrentInstant());
OrderPayload order = ctx.getInput(OrderPayload.class);
logger.info("Received Order: " + order.toString());
OrderResult orderResult = new OrderResult();
// Notify the user that an order has come through
Notification notification = new Notification();
notification.setMessage("Received Order: " + order.toString());
ctx.callActivity(NotifyActivity.class.getName(), notification).await();
// Determine if there is enough of the item available for purchase by checking
// the inventory
InventoryRequest inventoryRequest = new InventoryRequest();
InventoryResult inventoryResult = ctx.callActivity(ReserveInventoryActivity.class.getName(),
inventoryRequest, InventoryResult.class).await();
// If there is insufficient inventory, fail and let the user know
if (!inventoryResult.isSuccess()) {
notification.setMessage("Insufficient inventory for order : " + order.getItemName());
ctx.callActivity(NotifyActivity.class.getName(), notification).await();
// Require orders over a certain threshold to be approved
if (order.getTotalCost() > 5000) {
ApprovalResult approvalResult = ctx.callActivity(RequestApprovalActivity.class.getName(),
order, ApprovalResult.class).await();
if (approvalResult != ApprovalResult.Approved) {
notification.setMessage("Order " + order.getItemName() + " was not approved.");
ctx.callActivity(NotifyActivity.class.getName(), notification).await();
// There is enough inventory available so the user can purchase the item(s).
// Process their payment
PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest();
boolean isOK = ctx.callActivity(ProcessPaymentActivity.class.getName(),
paymentRequest, boolean.class).await();
if (!isOK) {
notification.setMessage("Payment failed for order : " + orderId);
ctx.callActivity(NotifyActivity.class.getName(), notification).await();
inventoryResult = ctx.callActivity(UpdateInventoryActivity.class.getName(),
inventoryRequest, InventoryResult.class).await();
if (!inventoryResult.isSuccess()) {
notification.setMessage("Order failed to update inventory! : " + orderId);
ctx.callActivity(NotifyActivity.class.getName(), notification).await();
// Let user know their order was processed
notification.setMessage("Order completed! : " + orderId);
ctx.callActivity(NotifyActivity.class.getName(), notification).await();
// Complete the workflow with order result is processed
func OrderProcessingWorkflow(ctx *workflow.WorkflowContext) (any, error) {
orderID := ctx.InstanceID()
var orderPayload OrderPayload
if err := ctx.GetInput(&orderPayload); err != nil {
return nil, err
err := ctx.CallActivity(NotifyActivity, workflow.ActivityInput(Notification{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Received order %s for %d %s - $%d", orderID, orderPayload.Quantity, orderPayload.ItemName, orderPayload.TotalCost),
if err != nil {
return OrderResult{Processed: false}, err
var verifyInventoryResult InventoryResult
if err := ctx.CallActivity(VerifyInventoryActivity, workflow.ActivityInput(InventoryRequest{
RequestID: orderID,
ItemName: orderPayload.ItemName,
Quantity: orderPayload.Quantity,
})).Await(&verifyInventoryResult); err != nil {
return OrderResult{Processed: false}, err
if !verifyInventoryResult.Success {
notification := Notification{Message: fmt.Sprintf("Insufficient inventory for %s", orderPayload.ItemName)}
err := ctx.CallActivity(NotifyActivity, workflow.ActivityInput(notification)).Await(nil)
return OrderResult{Processed: false}, err
if orderPayload.TotalCost > 50000 {
var approvalRequired ApprovalRequired
if err := ctx.CallActivity(RequestApprovalActivity, workflow.ActivityInput(orderPayload)).Await(&approvalRequired); err != nil {
return OrderResult{Processed: false}, err
if err := ctx.WaitForExternalEvent("manager_approval", time.Second*200).Await(nil); err != nil {
return OrderResult{Processed: false}, err
// TODO: Confirm timeout flow - this will be in the form of an error.
if approvalRequired.Approval {
if err := ctx.CallActivity(NotifyActivity, workflow.ActivityInput(Notification{Message: fmt.Sprintf("Payment for order %s has been approved!", orderID)})).Await(nil); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to notify of a successful order: %v\n", err)
} else {
if err := ctx.CallActivity(NotifyActivity, workflow.ActivityInput(Notification{Message: fmt.Sprintf("Payment for order %s has been rejected!", orderID)})).Await(nil); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to notify of an unsuccessful order :%v\n", err)
return OrderResult{Processed: false}, err
err = ctx.CallActivity(ProcessPaymentActivity, workflow.ActivityInput(PaymentRequest{
RequestID: orderID,
ItemBeingPurchased: orderPayload.ItemName,
Amount: orderPayload.TotalCost,
Quantity: orderPayload.Quantity,
if err != nil {
if err := ctx.CallActivity(NotifyActivity, workflow.ActivityInput(Notification{Message: fmt.Sprintf("Order %s failed!", orderID)})).Await(nil); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to notify of a failed order: %v", err)
return OrderResult{Processed: false}, err
err = ctx.CallActivity(UpdateInventoryActivity, workflow.ActivityInput(PaymentRequest{
RequestID: orderID,
ItemBeingPurchased: orderPayload.ItemName,
Amount: orderPayload.TotalCost,
Quantity: orderPayload.Quantity,
if err != nil {
if err := ctx.CallActivity(NotifyActivity, workflow.ActivityInput(Notification{Message: fmt.Sprintf("Order %s failed!", orderID)})).Await(nil); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to notify of a failed order: %v", err)
return OrderResult{Processed: false}, err
if err := ctx.CallActivity(NotifyActivity, workflow.ActivityInput(Notification{Message: fmt.Sprintf("Order %s has completed!", orderID)})).Await(nil); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to notify of a successful order: %v", err)
return OrderResult{Processed: true}, err
Create event-driven apps that scale to millions of events/sec. Integrates with dozens of message brokers.
Configurable push/pull eventing
At-least-once guaranteed message delivery
Automatic CloudEvents support
Bulk message delivery
using Dapr.Client;
var client = new DaprClientBuilder().Build();
// Publish message
await client.PublishEventAsync(“my-pubsub”, "my-topic",
from dapr.clients import DaprClient;
with DaprClient() as d:
result = d.publish_event(
pubsub_name = "my-pubsub",
topic_name = 'orders',
data = `{ "orderId": 1 }`,
data_content_type = 'application/json')
import { DaprClient } from "@dapr/dapr";
(async () => {
const client = new DaprClient();
await client.pubsub.publish("my-pubsub", "orders", {"orderId":"1"});
import io.dapr.client.DaprClient;
import io.dapr.client.DaprClientBuilder;
import io.dapr.client.domain.Metadata;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap;
DaprClient client = new DaprClientBuilder().build()
client.publishEvent("pubsub", "orders", "{\"orderId\":\"1\"}",
singletonMap(Metadata.TTL_IN_SECONDS, "600")).block();
package main
import (
dapr "github.com/dapr/go-sdk/client"
func main() {
client, err := dapr.NewClient()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error creating connection to catalyst: %w", err))
defer client.Close()
if err := client.PublishEvent(context.TODO(), "pubsub", "{topic-name}",
[]byte(`{"key":"value"}`)); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error publishing event: %w", err))
Connect apps running on any cloud platform and across any region.
Zero networking configuration
Service discovery
End-to-end mTLS & authorization
using Dapr.Client;
var client = new DaprClientBuilder().Build();
var httpClient = DaprClient.CreateInvokeHttpClient(“order-processor”);
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("dapr-api-token", “my-api-token”);
var response = await httpClient.PostAsync("/orders", "{\"data\":\"my-data\"}");
headers = { 'dapr-app-id': ‘orderprocessor’, 'content-type': 'application/json'}
result = requests.post(
url = '/orders',
data =‘{\"data\":\"my-data\"}’, headers = headers)
import axios from "axios";
(async () => {
let axiosConfig = {
headers: {
"dapr-app-id": "order-processor"
const order = { orderId: 1 };
const res = await axios.post(`/orders`, order , axiosConfig);
private static final HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.newBuilder()
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
int orderId = 1;
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("orderId", orderId);
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.header("dapr-app-id", "order-processor")
HttpResponse<String> response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
System.out.println("Order passed: "+ orderId);
package main
import (
dapr "github.com/dapr/go-sdk/client"
func main() {
client, err := dapr.NewClient()
if err != nil {
defer client.Close()
order := `{"orderId":` + strconv.Itoa(i) + "}"
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/orders", strings.NewReader(order))
if err != nil {
req.Header.Add("dapr-app-id", "order-processor")
response, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
Create CRUD applications with key/value state. Integrates with dozens of databases.
Data isolation for multi-tenancy
Configurable concurrency (first-write-wins, last-write-wins)
Configurable consistency (strong, eventual)
Caching support with TTL
using Dapr.Client;
var client = new DaprClientBuilder().Build();
await client.SaveStateAsync(“my-database”, “1”, “myvalue”);
from dapr.clients import DaprClient
with DaprClient() as d:
order = {'orderId': "1", "name": "lightsaber (real)"}
client.save_state("my-database", "1", str(order))
import { DaprClient } from "@dapr/dapr"
const order = { orderId: "1" }
const state = [
key: order.orderId,
value: order,
options: {
consistency: "strong",
concurrency: "first-write-wins"
const client = new DaprClient();
await client.state.save("my-database", state)
import io.dapr.client.DaprClient;
import io.dapr.client.DaprClientBuilder;
DaprClient client = new DaprClientBuilder().build();
Order order = new Order();
client.saveState("my-database", String.valueOf(orderId), order).block();
package main
import (
dapr "github.com/dapr/go-sdk/client"
func main() {
client, err := dapr.NewClient()
if err != nil {
defer client.Close()
if err := err := client.SaveState(context.Background(),
"my-database, "order", []byte("value), nil); err != nil {
Interact with external systems via triggers and outgoing calls.
Integrations with dozens of third party services
Authenticate calls to/from external systems
using Dapr.Client;
var client = new DaprClientBuilder().Build();
await client.InvokeBindingAsync(“my-binding”, “create”, “my-data”);
from dapr.clients import DaprClient
with DaprClient() as d:
resp = d.invoke_binding(
operation="create", data="100")
import { DaprClient } from "@dapr/dapr";
(async () => {
const client = new DaprClient();
await client.binding.send("my-binding", "create", 100);
import io.dapr.client.DaprClient;
import io.dapr.client.DaprClientBuilder;
DaprClient client = new DaprClientBuilder().build()
client.invokeBinding("my-binding", "create", "100").block();
package main
import (
dapr "github.com/dapr/go-sdk/client"
func main() {
client, err := dapr.NewClient()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error creating connection to catalyst: %w", err))
defer client.Close()
err = client.InvokeOutputBinding(context.TODO(),
Name: "my-binding",
Operation: "create",
Data: []byte(`100`),
if err != nil {
Infrastructure specific code
Fault tolerance with retries & circuit breakers
Application authentication
Message level security
Boilerplate code for messaging patterns
End-to-end tracing and observability
Industry message standard CloudEvents
Infrastructure independent code
Fault tolerance with retries & circuit breakers
Application authentication
Message level security
Common messaging patterns
End-to-end tracing & observability
CloudEvents message standard
End-to-end encryption with MTLS
Fault tolerance with retries & circuit breakers
Application identity & access control
Infrastructure dependent service discoverability
End-to-end tracing & observability
End-to-end encryption with MTLS
Fault tolerance with retries & circuit breakers
Application identity & access control
Optional infrastructure service discovery
End-to-end tracing & observability
Good luck!
Durable execution for fault tolerance
Task chaining, fan-out/fan-in, monitor, and external event interaction
Code based, supports multiple languages
Combine workflow orchestration & message choreography
Workflow visualizer with end-to-end tracing
Bring your own database, or use ours
Infrastructure specific code
Fault tolerance with retries & circuit breakers
Data isolation
Outbox with messaging
End-to-end tracing & observability
Infrastructure independent code
Fault tolerance with retries & circuit breakers
Data isolation
Transactional outbox
End-to-end tracing & observability
Connect Catalyst to your existing infra, or use Diagrid’s serverless pub/sub broker & key-value store that scale without limits
Start Now For Free100% serverless, no ops required
Ready to go in under 60 seconds
Access from your local developer machine
Built-in rate limiting, circuit breakers and retries
Accessible from within your VPC / VNET